Crest View Second Grade Parent Meeting

Parents of Mrs. Shrock’s class:

Thanks for the feedback and replies so far to my email of last night concerning the large class size in Mrs. Shrock’s second grade class. There was enough positive response that I have scheduled and confirmed a meeting for Wednesday, Sept. 7 at 6 p.m. in the school cafeteria. A notice of this meeting is scheduled to be sent home in all second grade students’ Friday folder. I received several suggestions that it would be fruitful to include all second grade parents. Both Principal Ned Levine and Director of BVSD Elementary Schools Sheri Williams have confirmed their attendance.

This will be a valuable opportunity and first step. Please send any questions or information that you’d like to share with this email list. I will compile and send back out by Monday evening. Your input, concerns and questions may be helpful to others and to help focus the meeting so it is productive. So expect to see some good homework (no test) before the meeting. I am very committed for this meeting to not be a gripe session but to stay focused on the constructive ways we can help the second grade teachers do their best.

If you know other second grade parents who would like to join this independent information email list with no official connection to the school, please have them email or call me.

Thanks. Have a great and safe weekend, and I look forward to the meeting Wednesday.
